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It Runs in the Family

This week's featured student-athlete followed his dad's advice to get him started in XC and track...and we're glad he listened. Read below to see what sophomore runner, Zachary Talbert's future goals are and what makes him unique.

Name: Zachary Talbert

Year: Sophomore

Event: XC (8k), Long Distance for track 3K, etc.

Major: Law and Society with a concentration of Criminal Justice

  1. How did you get into XC/Track & Field?

My dad was a huge runner in high school and he absolutely loved it. Before entering my freshman year of high school he thought I should try it and ever since then I've loved every moment of running. If it wasn't because of him I would've never been a runner.

  1. If you could do any other event, what would it be?

Would either be pole vault or steeplechase.

  1. What’s your pre-meet ritual?

Drinking half a water bottle, Stretch, slap my legs before the race.

  1. What’s your go-to warmup song?

Running on Empty by Jackson Browne

  1. Best advice you’ve ever been given?

It doesn't matter how fast you go as long as you don't stop.

  1. Favorite place on campus and why?

I would have to say the track, because it's an area where I can relax my mind and relieve stress.

  1. Do you have an athletic idol? Who?

Probably watching the U.S.A. track and field perform in the Olympics, because they all go through tough training and show true dedication.

  1. Favorite place to compete?

St. Mary's College Invitational

  1. Favorite XC/Track and field memory?

Having the opportunity to be captain for cross country my senior year of high school.

  1. What is your favorite event to watch?


  1. What’s the last book you’ve read for fun?

Harry Potter and cursed Child

  1. Favorite and Least favorite workout?

Favorite- Glendenning Park hill attacks Least- Ladder workout on the track

  1. What are your goals for the future?

After college go to the marines for 4 years. After apply for the FBI and work as a violent crime analyst.

  1. What achievement are you most proud of?

Just simply not giving up, even when it gets tough and your body is sore you keep moving forward to reach that one goal. Finish!

  1. Stuck on a desert island what three things would you need/want with you?

1. A stack of Reese's peanut butter cup, 2. My best friend, 3. A bathing suit to go swimming and of course build a sand castle.

  1. Describe one thing about you that makes you unique.

I never give up on something even when it seems impossible to achieve.

  1. What actor would play you in a movie about your life?

Jim Carrey

FSU Bobcats
Words of Wisdom
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