"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." - Pre
This week's featured student-athlete has been a pretty consistent runner for the men's XC team since he came to FSU last fall. Last year he competed in the 800m, mile, and 3000m indoors and the 800m, 1500m, and mile outdoors - running the fastest times in each of those events last year. He gets himself pumped up with Pokémon (as long as he isn't in a van with Coach Scola) and looks up to running legend, Steve Prefontaine. Our featured student-athlete this week is...
Name: Robbie Romano
Year: Sophomore
Event: XC, 800m-5000m
How did you get into XC/Track & Field?
Freshmen year of high school my friends said “XC was fun and everyone is from XC is doing indoor track so you should try it to”. And I did.
If you could do any other event, what would it be?
Nothing, I chose the events I wanted to do, so why would I do another event?
What’s your pre-meet ritual?
Beat Xavier in Pokémon and put on my lucky socks.
What’s your go-to warmup song?
I crank the main theme to Sonic Adventure Battle 2 “Live and Learn” by “Crush 40”
Best advice you’ve ever been given?
“The early bird may get the mouse, but the second mouse gets the cheese.”
Favorite place on campus and why?
The track, cause track is life.
Do you have an athletic idol? Who?
Yes, Steve Prefontaine
Favorite place to compete?
As long as the school has a nice track or a nice XC course then it will be my favorite place to compete at. I repeat this process as the season goes on.
Favorite XC/Track and field memory?
Breaking 5:00 in the 1600m was my favorite memory. My teammate and I were watching the time on the scoreboard as we can around the final turn. We saw 4:40 as we were on the 100m. We looked at each and sprinted. We went 4:57 and 4:58.
What is your favorite event to watch?
Pole Vault
What’s the last book you’ve read for fun?
“Daniel X, Lights Out” by James Patterson
Favorite and Least favorite workout?
Hill sprints and 200m repeats are my favorite workouts. I can’t stand 1000m repeats; they are so awkward to run.
What are your goals for the future?
My goals are to keep improving in running, to find a job that pays well and is doable, and to raise a family.
What achievement are you most proud of?
Being part of a conference winning 4x8 team and I guess being co-valedictorian of my high school
Stuck on a desert island what three things would you need/want with you?
A fully stocked and self-sustaining mansion (with solar panels), a large boat (with gas) and video games
Describe one thing about you that makes you unique.
I could tell you the name of any Pokémon you show me.
What actor would play you in a movie about your life?
Chris Evans
*photo credit: Charlie Covell